On a lighter note, the team not only excelled in their work, but it was fun to be with them. I understood their total commitment towards me, when for the department's annual party we had to perform on stage. There were many suggestions, but one day as we were relaxing, I suggested why not perform on a song and they agreed. They asked me which one, and I jokingly told them I have heard only one song in Tagalog. They were amused and unanimously decided to go ahead with it. I do not think I could have asked for a better team. Chris, Jet, Earl, Lian, Benny, Gary, Greg and Leo put in a lot of effort, albeight with a little help from the beers that I sponsored. I also understood what it means when they say about women clothing, one size fits all. Check Leo's wardrobe on display.

There were a lot of people for the party, the department being a large one itself, and then we had guests. As it was held in one of the best sports bar in the city, there were others who were also watching. After a sobre display of acting and short plays, the team exploded on the stage with HINDI AKO BAKLA, the song. Rest is history. Even today, the people who were there including the staff of the bar can not forget the time they had. Here are some pictures of the memorable night.