I am losing hair. My face is a collage of sorts, unequal moustache, long nose, funny ears... the only thing worth mentioning were my eyes, but with these bags under them, I think I will just say I am not what you would like to look at early in the morning or as she says, any time of the day. Not that it matters to me. I still have a good look at myself in the morning, kind of making sure that I woke up the same person that went to bed. I don't think I am the only one who is going this crisis. I sometimes talk to myself in the mirror. This is where I think I am losing it.

My boss says I have Alzheimer's  Disease, I cant remember the slightest of things. I think it is the other way around. I cant forget. I cant forget how I sat in front of my classroom in first grade, with a sandwich in my hand, talking to my friends and a kite dived and snatched the bread away. I cant forget how I wrote my first poem walking in a park near my school and how I was teased for the next few years for writing those eleven sentences. My teachers, the ones who liked me, the one I liked, I still remember. For one of the teachers, I am the only student she lost her temper at and hit me. She still remembers it fondly, so do I. Every time we meet, she mentions me with pride as one of her better students. I know, without that slap I would not have reached anywhere in life.

Coming back to losing, what is a loss? Dictionaries define loss as " detriment, disadvantage or deprivation from failure to keep, have or get". Yuck. Reading this I am reminded of the movie 3 Idiots and the scene where they define a machine. Simplify that for me please. I asked people around what is common to loss and they replied - failure and sadness. But then how come when you lose a chasing police vehicle, you feel exhilarated. Most guys who have lost their marbles appear very happy. Lets get a grip on this, I really am losing it. People are right. I think the difference lies in losing and being lost. Losing is an act of failure where as being lost could be by choice, like lost in thought, lost in love, etc. So, am I losing it or am perpetually lost in something. Who knows and frankly who cares. All I know is I smile more often, praise Him more, am thankful for small things and try to help as much as I can. Let me not touch the topic of Love, leave it for some other time.

For now, I leave you with a song. I hope you lose it and get lost in the lyrics.

P.S. - Whatever I may have said about my face, do not dare to say it on my face, I may lose my temper.


  1. A very nice one.....telling the truth and accepting the facts.

    "LOSS/LOST" is also a gift. It gives us a previllege to look close to ourselves to know our imprefections despite the scary truth about.

    Your post reminds me that....what matters most is that you know yourself better wholly inspite whatever condition ever changing...

  2. You seem to have an appreciation for the simple things in life.
    When you look in the mirror and see all your aging flaws, laugh, just laugh, it is said that laughing is good for you, laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live and the way to love anything is to realize that it might be LOST.

    Touching lyrics!

  3. you are definitely lost in something, and I have a feeling its a good thing :-)

  4. @ Raaji,

    Welcome. Thank you. Nice to see you here. Do keep reading.

  5. your first para wakes my deep and scary feeling of ageing and losing youth, ,which reminds me life is not immortal and i am losing it day by day and one day it will be lost.sometime when i see some people ,the biggest surprise i feel is that though the man knows worlds biggest truth that everyone who are born have to die,but still behaves and feels that he is immortal and put their life at risk and less important.
    i am impressed by your memory,which says how much you love
    yourself and have treasures of happy and sad memories which will never age and losing in it seems your choice.Very good way of keeping one ageless.
    your title,reminds me one quote here
    "I love my past. I love my present. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve had, and I’m not sad because I have it no longer"

  6. A very sad song... something that pierced right thru me... and I could hear the distant echo of my broken heart.. - S
